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From Homelessness to Employment- Read Bill's full story here!

Bill came to Radiant Cleaners after 35 years out of work. Last week Matt and Bill stood up in front of over 800 people at the Nottingham Citizens Assembly to share Bill's uplifting story. That evening they were also featured on BBC East Midlands Today. If you missed it, or you only saw the short BBC clip you can read their full interview below.

We'd like to say a big thank you to Nottingham Citizens for giving us the opportunity to share such a positive story. We hope this will encourage more businesses across Nottingham to get involved in helping those with significant barriers to employment to find work, and if you're not in a position to offer employment why not consider us for your cleaning needs? The more contracts we get the more people we can help!

Matt I’d like to introduce you to Bill, who is one of our cleaning team. Bill’s story is about someone being given a chance and their life being changed

Matt Bill, tell us briefly how you ended up homeless?

Bill I ended up homeless after problems with drink, drugs and family arguments

Matt And were you living in hostels or on the streets?

Bill I have been on the streets, stayed in 5 different hostels, and lived in a tent.

Matt And once you are homeless, how hard is it to find work?

Bill I struggled to find work - my health problems and issues with the police made things a lot harder. It is a vicious cycle when you need a home address to get a job. I felt like I wasn’t worth nothing - homelessness gets you that way.

Matt It sounds like you’ve had a really tough time. We’re very pleased to be able to give you your first ever job…how many years is it since you left school?

Bill 35

Matt Wow, so working like this is quite new for you, how are finding it?

Bill It’s hard getting up in the morning, but I’m enjoying it!

Matt And how are you feeling now that you are part of the Radiant Cleaners team?

Bill I like being part of something, being part of a team, and getting paid. I feel like I’m worth something.

Matt And finally, what are your hopes for the future?

Bill I’m hoping to save up, and maybe buy myself a bungalow.

Matt Thanks for that Bill, it’s a privilege to be part of your story, and I’m looking forward to visiting you in that bungalow! 😊

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